About Us » School Safety

School Safety

Be Prepared for a School Emergency

• Ensure that your child's emergency contact information is accurate and current.
• Become familiar with your schools' emergency communication procedures.

In Case of a School Emergency

Although your first reaction would be to call or rush to your child's school, please follow the tips listed below:

• DO NOT call or rush to your child's school. Phone lines and staff are needed for emergency response efforts.
• DO NOT phone your child. Staff and students are discouraged from using cell phone communication for safety reasons.
• Tune in to local TV/radio stations for official school news alerts
• Check the school district's website.
• Rely only on official communication from school or public safety officials.
• Listen for official information regarding reunification with your child.

Emergency Terms and Procedures

Evacuation is used to move students and staff out of the building to an appropriate evacuation assembly point by a pre-designated route (if usable) to avoid a potentially threatening situation that involves the entire building.

Reverse Evacuation is used when a threat exists on the exterior of the school and school occupants are at risk of being harmed by the threat.

Shelter-In-Place should be used to protect school occupants from external threats such as high winds/tornado, some chemical, biological, or radiological releases and other natural and man-made threats.

A Lockdown consists of moving all students off playgrounds and out of exterior buildings and portables on the site and into the school, securing all entrances, and denying access to any unauthorized persons.